Friday, August 5, 2011

Who is really running the United States?

According to the U.S. Code of Laws Title 28, Section 3002, 15A "united states means federal corporation"  Here's a link to the section.  Scroll down to 15A.  We the People are no longer under the United States government, but rather the United States corporation.  The US corporation encompasses what you know as the Washington DC area, not the lands outside of that area.  The question is "How long has the country been defined as a corporation?"  When the southern states secceeded, the government ceased to exist.  The Act of 1871 was the first step in changing the organic constitution to a corporate charter, which is why the have to read it aloud every 20 years.  Lincoln and the congress continued posing as the legitimate government, and Lincoln was assassinated before he could put the republic back in place.

The US corporation is owned by same elite families that own the Crown, not the monarchy, but the Crown Corporation of London.  Here's a great 3-min documentary on the crown and US corporation.  You need to watch the whole thing. This is difficult to believe because you are not taught this in school, but you need to understand that your history textbooks are published by companies owned by these same people.

According the Attorney General of Illinois, it is their purpose to protect the property of the Crown.  Here's a link to the AG History.  Ctrl-F crown 2 or 3 times to get there quickly.  Obviously the AG knows something you don't.  The federal reserve is a private central bank owned by private stockholders, the same ones that run the Crown Corp. in London, the Rothschilds, Schiffs, Oppenheimers, Warburgs, Rockefeller, Morgans, Lazard, etc...  There are 13 ruling families in all, and they literally own most of the world by lying, cheating, murdering, and controlling government puppets.  For them, competition is a sin.  Here's a great cartoon on the Federal Reserve Bank.

Now, if you have a social security number and pay taxes, you are working under that corporation.  What does that make you?  An employee or human capital?  George Carlin explains your relationship with the government quite well.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Lysander Spooner takes on the U.S. Postal System

Lysander Spooner, the Father of the 3-cent Stamp, was a true hero.  In 1844 the going rate for sending a letter was 18 cents (equals $5.41 today).  Lysander Spooner decided to take on the government postal monopoly by giving them a little competition.  He started the American Letter Mail Company and nearly put the US postal service out of business.  After lawsuits and threats came to no avail, the only way the USPS managed to stay afloat was to lower postal rates to 3 cents per letter.  Read More about this story.  I used an Inflation Calculator to convert the 1844 price.